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Governo, Malta press release zona euro (eng)

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5 Ottobre 2012

The President of the Republic of France, the Prime Ministers of Malta, Spain, Italy and Portugal as well as the President of the European Commission have met today in La Valletta in the margins of the ‘5+5′ Heads of State and/or Governments Summit between the Maghreb and their European neighbors.The meeting focused on the economic situation in the euro area in view of the upcoming European Council of 18 and 19 October.The leaders of the five countries reiterated their call for a swift implementation of the decisions adopted by the European Council in June. They agreed that the next European Council must pave the way towards the establishment of a single European banking supervision system, to be decided before the end of the year and operational by January 2013.They also confirmed their determination to work together and to actively contribute to the preservation of the stability and integrity of the euro area.


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